Demo database

MusiConsult Track Database

FTP based music sample storage & review platform

First of all !
Read the legal terms of use wich are outlined on the bottom off this page.
Any upload and download is subject to acceptance of those terms.

1) Instructions of use for Compilers

The purpose of this platform is to enable professional compilers to easily review tracks that are available through our network for their commercial compilation and/or special projects.

On the other hand, Clients of MusiConsult Network may upload tracks they would like to have
presented to compilers, with the objective to have them included on compilation projects,
avoiding so to send CD’s around by mail. This of course subject to a license contract (that our network will provide on behalf of Licensor)

If you are a compiler /A&R / PM and want to browse repertoire for your project

Use your browser and enter the following address

Please request your Login and password from your local musiconsult network partner.

The database is organized by music styles, which gives the compilers an easier way to brows repertorie for their own projects. Within the folders, the tracks are separated by Licensores, which makes it easier to draft the request and issue the license.

Search in the database by music genre. If you found tracks that may fit in your project, please tell the Licensing department to send the local MusiConsult office the request, and to mention jointly the name of the Licensor on that request. We prefer multiple requests divided by Licensor.

If you have any doubts about the track, track name, version or mix, contact our office.

In case of special projects we also can open special folders for your project, where clients may depose tracks. Let us know.

2) Instructions of use for our clients

The purpose of this platform is to enable professional compilers to easily review tracks that are available through our network for their commercial compilation and/or special projects.
On the other hand, Clients of MusiConsult Network may upload tracks they would like to have presented to compilers, with the objective to have them included on compilation projects, avoiding so to send CD’s around by mail. This of course subject to a license contract (that our network will provide on behalf of Licensor)
You need a FTP program to upload tracks (there are freeware programs such as WSFTP Light)

First of all: Read the legal terms of use in the source directory. Any upload and download is subject to acceptance of those terms.
The database is organized by music styles, which gives the compilers an easier way to brows repertorie for their own projects. Within the folders, the tracsk are separated by Licensores, which makes it easier to draft the request and issue the license.

If you are a client of MusiConsult Network and like to depose tracks go to the folder of the respective music style. Then to the folder of your company (Licensor)

If your company has not yet a folder, create a folder with your company name (e.g. with the ”Make Directory” command of your ftp program). Drop the file (just a 30/60 second clipping)
Use a common format like .mp3. Then check the other music genres if you have also amterial there. Recommendation: Do not overlaod the databse. Only upload a few selected & strong tracks. Clients of MusiConsult Network can upload and download tracks.

In case of special projects we may open specific project folders such as
(PolymediaTranceHitsV2) where clients can depose tracks that would fit to those projects.

Compilers can only browse and download tracks. They can not upload anything, and are not given the ftp access login and password. They can search and download using their browser. Even though the platform is secured by a login and password which should not passed on to third parties.

You need an ftp program to upload tracks.
Please request your Login and password from your local MusiConsult network partner.

Legal Notice & Terms of Use

The purpose of this platform is to enable professional compilers to easily review tracks that are available through our network for their commercial compilation and/or special projects.

On the other hand, Clients of MusiConsult Network may upload tracks they would like to have
presented to compilers, with the objective to have them included on compilation projects,
avoiding so to send CD’s around by mail. This of course subject to a license contract (that our network will provide on behalf of Licensor)

This platform is only for B2B purposes, and limitd to the following professional users

  1. Clients of our Network (Record Labels, Producers, Artists)
  2. Professional compilers / A&R/ Product Managers working for Record Labels, Publishers, or Production companies.

Any other persons – including but not limited to – private users or consumers, are not allowed to access this site, and to download any material.

Disclosure of the ftp access login and password to third parties is strictly prohibited.

Any clients uploading tracks should be aware that tracks they upload can be reviewed and downloaded by all other clients and/or professional users using this site. They are also made aware that there is a possibility that non authorized users may get access to the logins due to leaks or unauthorized disclosure of passwords.

So anyone uploading tracks should be fully aware of the risk and benefits, and it is everyones own decision what he uploads.

You may for example consider uploading 30 or 60 minutes clippings, instead of full mp3 files, and delivering the full track only upon closure of the license deal.

Again: This is entirely your choice what and how extensive you upload in the sample database.

MusiConsult Network is refraining from any liens and liabilities in regards to a potential misuse of the sample database, and the tracks which the client deposed in there . Any use of the tracks deposed on the MusiConsult ftp server is subject to a formal license contract that has to be processed by your local MusiConsult Network representative.

April 10th 2010
MusiConsult Network